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Main Road Bridge Update #7 - March 2, 2018

[Project Update]

*CFS – Cubic Feet per Second

*GPM – Gallons Per Minute

Friday, February 23, 2018: There was still extremely heavy river flow with the river running at 22.2 CFS (9,964 GPM).

Monday, February 26, 2018: The river flow was finally down to 9.36 CFS (4,575 GPM), and Roper Construction was able to begin cleanup at the site and reinstalled the HDPE bypass pipe. By late afternoon, the contractor had shored up the river again, and the river is now being diverted through the HDPE pipe.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018: The river flow was at 11.1 CFS (4,982 GPM) and the contractor began cleaning out the north side of the bridge, digging down to bedrock. Installation of a secondary sump pond is complete and residual water has been slowed to a minimum in the area of the footings. Work has begun on the south side where they are cleaning out the mud and sediment left by the last rain storm.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018: The contractor continues to de-water the footing sites. The north side footing has been cleared out and is ready to be brought back up with engineered fill.                                 

Village staff met with the contractor and engineer on-site to discuss the following items:

·      Possible installation of signs to keep public from walking onto construction site.

·      Overview of updated schedule and discussion of staying on track for a May 21st completion date.

·      Contractor will be ready for rebar and form inspection on Monday 3-5-18 and should be ready to pour concrete on Tuesday 3-6-18.         

·      The installation of Gabion baskets.

·      Safety and SWPPP plan.

Thursday, March 1, 2018: The weekly public meeting was held at 8:30 AM, and we had 3 citizens in attendance. There was a lot of positive feedback from the citizens in attendance on how proactive the Street Department was during the recent snow/ice storm we had on Wednesday. The new schedule was also discussed, and citizens were assured that the project is still on schedule to be completed by May 21st.

The anticipated progress for next week is as follows:

·      The contractor will finish setting forms and installing rebar to begin pour on Tuesday. 

·      Inspections and sampling will be taken on the day of the concrete pour.

·      The contractor will to continue to de-water the site and will begin to work on the footings for the Gabion baskets. 

·      The contractor will also continue to clean rock for reinstallation at the site.

If you have any questions on the project, please contact Village Hall at 575-258-4343.