Public Information Meetings - Village of Ruidoso Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)

The Village of Ruidoso will host two public meetings on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM to seek public input for the 2023-2027 Village of Ruidoso Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). The meetings will be held via Zoom and in-person at the Horton Complex, 134 Reese Drive, Ruidoso, NM.

Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Meeting ID: 839 7762 7677

Passcode: 469342

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+12532158782,,83977627677#,,,,*469342# US

The ICIP, is a project listing prioritizing the Village’s capital projects for the period of five years. The plan requires public input. Each project includes an implementation plan and estimated costs over the five-year plan to assure validity. The existing plan will be reviewed with changes and updates following the public meetings. The Village will process, prioritize and determine those among the top five to submit as funding priorities for the coming year. Residents are encouraged to participate.

The Village Councilors will consider the ICIP plan at their regular meeting on September 14, 2021.