Main Road Bridge Update #11 - March 30, 2018


[Project Update]

Friday, March 23, 2018: Roper Construction assisted Zia Engineering in  shooting the Gabion grade and confirmed elevations on the northwest bank of the river. Kimo Construction continues to work on Gabion Baskets on the northeast river bank.

Monday, March 26, 2018: Kimo Construction continued work on the northwest Gabion Baskets. Roper Construction re-positioned pumps and coffer dams to correct water flow that has increased with the weekend rains.  Roper Construction completed sub-grade work on the northwest river bank.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018: Kimo Construction started wire basket installation on the northwest river bank.  Roper Construction began backfilling on the south side of the bridge, and Roper Construction completed grouting of the lift hooks on the bridge deck.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018: Met with Roper Construction and Zia Engineering on-site.  We discussed increased water flows on the project along with two submittals - one for guardrail and one for base course. Kimo Construction continued installing Gabion Basket installation on the northwest river bank.  Roper Construction continued backfilling the south side of the bridge.  Terracon arrived on-site and has taken density tests on the south bridge approach.

Thursday, March 29, 2018: Roper Construction repositioned the river to run along the north Gabion Baskets and began digging out the southeast side of the river to prepare subgrade for Gabion Basket installation.  Kimo Construction continued work on the Gabion Basket installation and is working on the last lift on the northwest river bank.

The anticipated progress for next week is as follows:

·      Roper Construction will continue preparation of the southeast river bank for Gabion installation. 

·      Roper Construction will begin backfilling on the north bridge approach. 

·      Kimo Construction to complete work on the northwest river and bank and will begin Gabion installation on the southeast river bank.

 If you have any questions on the project, please contact Village Hall at 575-258-4343